
About me


Hello!! My name is Devan T Martinez, One of the devs behind the web page… It took me about 2 days or 3 of researching and watching vidos's to make everything somewhat work properly still has a few bugs but it is what it is, Because I've been learning from everyset back that came with making this web page work the way I would want it to… I love learning new things and i'm quite amazed by computers and what they can do I find everything about it interesting… Also, I try to learn as much as I can when it comes to computers I won’t be the best, neither will I know everything computer, wish I did lol!! but I usually always know the basics behind it or can learn what I need to know and improve from there...
"No one person can do it all, we are all in this together!"

Steve jobs once said:

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."